… the best decision I’ve ever made

“My life completely changed after I met Jacqui.

I’d come to accept my anxiety, depression and low self-esteem as just the cards that I’d been dealt. I reached out to Jacqui when I got to a particularly low point, and it was single-handedly the best decision I’ve ever made.

Jacqui is a very warm and trustworthy person. She’s much more than just a great listener; her words brought me a clarity I had been desperately craving. She connected dots I wasn’t even aware of right from our first session and I was amazed at how quickly my life began to change for the better.

I had a lifelong fear of public speaking before I met Jacqui – 6 months later I delivered a best man speech with total confidence in front of 120 people. Something I never thought possible. That moment represents how my life has changed.

Everyone close to me says that I’m a different person now, and I have Jacqui to thank.”

…turns your life around in so many ways.

“When I first went to see Jacqui I had been on strong anti depressants for a good 4years. I didn’t see myself ever getting off my tablets. I thought the person I had become would stick with me for the rest of my life. I no longer identified with the real me.

Before meeting Jacqui the thought of daily life was pretty agonising, this ever revolving cycle of mental breakdowns. But I just thought that was me and that was my life.

Jacqui showed me that this isn’t who I am and that I can beat this horrific cycle. I feel so lucky to have met Jacqui. She well a truly turned my life around. Something I am so greatful for and find hard to put into words.

Jacqui is such a good listener and quickly identifies the core issues to focus on. I always looked forward to my sessions and felt like a big weight had been lifted from my shoulders every week.

I really recommend anyone considering therapy to just do it. It turns your life around in so many ways.”

… I instantly felt like a weight had been lifted

“Almost 6 years ago I lost one of the closest people to me in my life but I had tucked away my grief as it seemed too painful to embrace.
5 years on I was finding it harder and harder to shut away which had a knock on affect on other aspects of life.

Counselling didn’t seem like an option to me as it couldn’t bring that person back, so how could it help?

My first phone-call with Jacqui completely eradicated any doubt on how counselling could help as I instantly felt like a weight had been lifted just by talking on the phone, Jacqui listened and said she was there to help.

Jacqui has a way of listening, talking and advising, being professional yet sympathetic when the flood gate of tears open, that made me feel completely at ease at the sessions and like I was talking to a long lost friend.

After each week I started to I feel so much clearer, lighter and things started to click into place again.

Jacqui helped me put all the pieces back together again and for that I will be eternally grateful

I strongly recommend Jacqui to help anyone go through any time”

It sounds cliché but I could not have done it without you

“When I first went to see Jacqui I was feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope, and I didn’t think that I would ever feel differently.

Jacqui’s help and support, patience and good humour made me realise I could change those feelings and how I viewed myself and my relationships with others.

Thank you so much Jacqui: it sounds cliché but I could not have done it without you walking through that tunnel of darkness by my side.”

Very empathetic and she quickly gained good insight into my problems

“I came to see Jacqui when I was feeling at a particularly low ebb.  I was having family problems around addiction and mental health which were weighing me down and affecting all areas of my life. 

I found Jacqui to be very empathetic and she quickly gained good insight into my problems. I think that because of her extensive experience she was able to grasp how I was feeling and give excellent support. 

I would highly recommend her as a Counsellor/Therapist.”

I had a lot of problems from my past which she helped me to accept and move on

“Jacqui made sense of the problems I had and put things in perspective. she helped me enormously over a period of 6 months and let me talk and cry until things seemed a bit better.

She gave me good advice and just listened sometimes while I unburdened myself. I had a lot of guilt and anger that needed to be explained that it was a natural stage of grief. I would say that she is extremely professional and good at her job.

I had a lot of problems from my past which she helped me to accept and move on.

I can recommend her to be a very accomplished counsellor.”
Mrs S

Sympathetic, non-judgemental and honest approach

“I was referred to Jacqui for counselling by my GP as I was suffering from moderate depression.

Having had no previous experience of counselling I was a little anxious and uncertain about what it would entail and how it might benefit me.

However, from the first session Jacqui put me at ease and I felt comfortable talking to her about the very personal issues that were troubling me.

Jacqui’s sympathetic, non-judgemental and honest approach gave me confidence to deal with some very difficult problems. I went to her at a very low time and I am very glad that I did. I would highly recommend Jacqui as a counsellor.”

… become a much stronger, confident and happier person

“I very much liked Jacqui’s way of counselling, as she listened to my stories with great understanding and consideration, always giving me back very sound advice on how to see the situation from all different aspects.

She counselled me for 2 years and helped me immensely. 

I would thoroughly recommend her, as her input in my sessions have helped me ascertain my life and become a much stronger, confident and happier person.”

Jacqui is compassionate, caring & practical

“After listening carefully to my story I felt Jacqui was able to understand my situation immediately which felt very reassuring.  

Every session brought more clarity & and I was therefore able to begin to understand myself and how I was functioning.  

Jacqui has made a huge difference to my life which has enabled me to move forward and make clearer decisions.  

Jacqui is compassionate, caring & practical and I highly recommend her services.”

… Jacqui changed my life

“I was struggling with a difficult medical diagnosis and I had sat with it, in sadness for years.

I found Jacqui through her website and its not an exaggeration to say she changed my life.

She was with me through the sadness and anger, she gave me a new perspective and I feel like myself again. Going to therapy can be an intimidating thought but, I would urge anyone to reach out to Jacqui.

As well as insightful and very highly skilled, she is also kind and uplifting”

My time spent with Jacqui has been life changing

“Several months ago I went to my GP asking for help because I had realised I was in a dangerously black place. The way I explain my depression is that it’s like been suffocated in black, it’s like drowning in it… I felt I needed to confront my demons rather than just change how I dealt with the negative emotions.

I must admit I was sceptical but my time spent with Jacqui has been life changing, maybe even lifesaving. I am going out of the house, I’m still anxious, but I go out and I enjoy it while I’m there. I’ve stopped hating/resenting.

My marriage is back on track. I have clarity, light and hope for the future now. I no longer go to bed every night hoping I won’t wake up.

My house is clean and tidy and my pains are now few and most definitely perfectly normal wear and tear for a 56 year old, who’s jumped out of planes and been run into the ground in the armed forces.”